Gemini Sanctum

There is some place for everyone. This is mine.

If you do come to this site more than once, this site will be the update section. Simply said, if you also bookmark this site, make sure it's on this page to see for anything before you go wandering in and nothing changed..
11/30/03 - Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Yesh, I'm sorry I don't update often. Ah've heard the same shit every time I've slacked off =p. I'll something later. See ya ^,^v
9/24/03 - Month update...Adventure Pics!!
8/23/03 - See? I told ya I would update some time this week. . . . .Ok, bye!
8/19/03 - Hoping to get an update some time this week. I promise, people! *crosses fingers* ...You didn't see that! (runs off)
8/8/03 - Lazy! I am lazy! I am so so so laaaaaaaaaaazeeee-heeeheeeeeeee. *ow!* my foot fell asleep! Lazy! Foot is lazy! Foot is so so so laaaaaaaaaaazeeee-heeeheeeeeeee.
*ahem* Well as you can see I haven't updated this site in a long time and this is no real exception..Ya.. I just got back from vacation a little while ago and well, i'm stuck on what to update with anyway XD. So, whoever is still checking out this site... why are you? Take your time on answering that one; maybe I'll update by then. Haha! Thank you all, you've been great! *walks off*
5/17/03 - Finally, something people might be interested in! I decided to make a news section on my site for Everquest. How often will I make news articles, I am not too sure. I hope to have at least one a week. More would be great, but I want to do other stuff on that game too ya know. You can find it under the literature section on my site.
 Also, I have made an art page for myself. I only have drawing so far scanned, so hope to see more in the future. I'm usually not a big drawer. In fact, I haven't started drawing much at all until early January this year. I make a lot of random crap, but some stuff turns out good...The art page is also in the literature section.
5/5/03 - Yada yada. Yada yada ..da..ada ya...Yada? Ya!
5/4/03 - Shhhh. I know..I know. I'm sorry! I don't have a lot of time for updates though because it's 11PM right now. I'll update a little more after school tomorrow. With what? Eh...
3/9/03 -Jees, almost a month without update! Well, it's 10PM right now so I don't have much time, but tomorrow or Tuesday I SWEAR I'll update!
*3/11/03 - Ok, ok. I only got an hour 'cuz I pretty much forgot about it AGAIN..yada yada, and then some..
3/23/03 - Did some updating today. I didn't finish what I wanted to do. Mainly because I started at midnight and now it's 2:30AM. They are listed at the bottom.

  • Last (actual) update September 24, 2003.

Go little lizard, go!

I can explain this. You see, many of the things I have put on this screen have recently been deleted or altered, so as to lessen confusion, I have simply deleted the updates. Until I start working on this site again, this will stay blank.